Where does one turn for such an issue? I really, really want to know. This can't simply go on any further and someone need to take action. Might as well be me.
What is wrong? Well, a week ago I would have told you: nothing. A temperature of 23 degrees Celsius. Flowering daffodils. Spring at it finest.

Then I went for a business trip to north of Sweden. The temperature sank dramatically. (Not my fault though - I hope. Or maybe it was? No, couldn't be, could it?) Anyway, we were talking of 5 degrees Celsius and chilly winds. And one day we even had snow(!). Well, I thought, at least it is not as cold at home. You have guessed it. Boy was I wrong! I arrived home late Thursday evening. Today the snow fell heavily. It was not invited. Not at all. It just threw itself upon us all on its own initiative.

- Sorry, I couldn't imagine it would snow?
They simply don't listen. Just stands there and glare at you. Asparagus are so quick to take offence. I hardly dare to go into the kitchen garden any more. So please, take this month back and give me another one. Alright?
This did make me laugh. We have had a sudden change in temperature here in the UK as well but today it is sunny again so fingers crossed.
LOL! Maybe the plants would listen better if they had ears. Hmm, too bad you didn't plant corn I bet it would have listened to you.
I hope it doesn't last too long for you. I think it's been chillier than usual all over this year.
What a concept! Wouldn't it be great!It does seem that your order for spring might have gotten mixed up:).
Your photos are beautiful!
And it seems to have worked too! June has so far been wonderful. Sunshine and a temperature of 20-25 degrees Celsius.
My my ... I would feel so paranoid to with those glares from the asparagus especially .. even in the grocery store I feel there stare burning my back because I didn't take any of them home with me .. heaven knows what would happen in a garden of mine if they were there .. whip and chair ? LOL
Great pictures .. fun story !
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We have a very hot spell here in Poland - we need more rain :)
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